ADAMIK Company, s.r.o.

Company name :

ADAMIK Company, s.r.o.

Address : Mitrovická 804
City / Post code : Paskov 739 21
Country : Czech Republic
Phone / Mobile : +420 737 575 952
E-mail :
Web site :
Contact person : David Glemba - n/a
VAT Reg No : CZ26845318
Type of company : Producer / Manufacturer
Company activity : Edge glued panels and beams clamp, Other equipment, Glues, Trader, Producer / Manufacturer, Spray gun, Hydraulic veneer press, Briquette press, Vacuum veneer press, Edgebander, Beams clamp, Gluing press, Frame press, Industrial vacuum cleaner, Filtration unit, Ventilator / fan, Extractor, Hand-held edge bander
Business communication : Slovak, English, Czech
Regional orientation of business : Slovakia
Number of employees : 10 - 50
Branches / shops : Mitrovická 804, 73921 Paskov, +420774883858

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