PILEXIM s.r.o.

Company name :

PILEXIM s.r.o.

Address : Pezinská 3
City / Post code : Senec 903 01
Country : Slovakia
Phone / Mobile : ‭+421 901 711 622
E-mail : p.heger@pilexim.eu
Web site :
Contact person : Patrik Heger - Supervisor
VAT Reg No : SK2020363125
Company activity : Producer / Manufacturer, Dumper, Container, Waste wood processing, Spare production capacity, Transport & freight, Other product, Other service, Logging / felling / skidding, Forwarder, Trader, Forest machinery, Companies, operations, Sawdust, Woodchips, Briquettes, Pellets, Woodchipper & shredder, Transport & freight, Waste wood processing, Firewood, briquettes, Services
Business communication : English
Regional orientation of business : Slovakia
Year company was founded : 1994
Number of employees : 10 - 50
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